Supports Over 150 Applications!

The Streamzap PC Remote automatically works with many popular multimedia applications, including Windows Media Player, iTunes, RealPlayer, Winamp, PowerPoint, MusicMatch Jukebox, and everything listed below.
Note: No matter which program(s) you use, the Streamzap PC Remote will control your PC's master volume, mute, and power. The macro buttons on the remote will also still work.
If you don't see your favorite application in the list below, we'd love to hear from you. Please see our FAQ for instructions on requesting application support.
The List
To view the supported functionality for each application, please see our Online Help or the help file that is included with our driver. To access the help file included with our driver, right-click on the Streamzap systray icon, and choose “Help” from the menu.
A button key for the remote is also available. It explains which buttons perform which functions on the remote.
- 4am Music Console
- ACDSee
- Ace Media Player
- Adobe Photoshop Album
- AOL MusicNet
- ApeJukebox
- ATI DVD Player
- ATI Multimedia Center
- Atomix MP3 Player
- AudioPlus
- AverMedia AverStudio
- AverMedia AverTV USB
- Axialis AX CD Player
- B & O Beoplayer
- BlazeDVD Player
- BSPlayer
- CDMax
- ChrisTV
- Cinematograph
- ClickView TV
- CoolCD Studio
- Core Media Player
- Creative MediaSource
- Creative PC-DVD Encore
- Creative PlayCenter
- Crystal Player
- Cyberlink PowerCinema
- Cyberlink PowerDVD
- Cyberlink PowerVCR
- dBpowerAMP
- DDBPlayer
- Digicasa
- Digiguide
- DigiTV
- DirectDVD
- Dojo Media Player 2003
- DScaler
- DVDStreamer
- EasyWorship
- eXtremeMP3 Player
- foobar2000
- Freeamp
- Full Motion Video
- FX Saver
- Got All Media
- GotTV myHTPC plugin
- Hauppauge WinTV2000
- Hauppauge WinTV32
- Hauppauge WinTV Radio
- HelpZone.US software
- Hero DVD Player
- HiDTV Pro
- High Criteria Total Recorder
- Hotwire Movie Player
- iMesh
- IrfanView
- iTunes for Windows
- InterActual
- InterVideo Home Theater
- InterVideo WinDVD
- InterVideo WinDVD Recorder
- InterVideo WinDVR
- JetAudio
- JRiver MediaCenter
- Kazaa
- Kazaa Lite (K++)
- LeadTek WinFast PVR
- Lotus Freelance
- MagicDVD Player
- Margi DVD-to-Go
- MediaCar
- Mediamatics DVD Express
- MediaMonkey
- MediaPortal
- Mediasonde
- Media Player Classic
- Meedio
- Microsoft Picture & Fax Viewer
- Microsoft Plus! Digital Media Edition Party Mode
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Microsoft Windows Media Player
- Microsoft Windows Media Player (mini-mode)
- Microsoft Windows Messenger
- Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition
- Mozilla Firefox
- MusicMatch Jukebox
- Muzikbrowzer
- Mv2Player
- myHTPC
- MyTheatre
- Napster
- NeroMix
- Nero Showtime
- NiceMC
- NVidia NVDVD
- Opera Web Browser
- OtsTurntables
- PC Magazine Media Console
- Photodex® ProShow™ Gold
- Picasa
- Picture Slide Show
- Pinnacle PCTV Vision
- PlayCDG PE
- ProgDVB
- Quicktime
- Quintessential Player
- Radlight
- Ravisent CineMaster DVD
- RealJukebox
- RealMagic DVD
- RealPlayer
- RHAPSODY Digital Music Serivce
- Roxio DVDMAX Player
- SageTV
- Sasem OnAir HD Editor
- ShowShifter
- Snapstream Beyond Media
- Snapstream Beyond TV
- SoftSqueeze
- Sonic Cineplayer
- SonicFoundry Siren Jukebox
- Sonique
- Sonique 2
- Sony OpenMG
- Sony SonicStage
- Swift Ultralite
- TheaterTek DVD
- ThumbsPlus
- TVTool
- Ulead DVD Player
- UltraDVD
- Unify Karaoke
- vanBasco Karaoke
- VidLizard
- Virtuosa
- VUPlayer
- Winamp 2 & 3
- Winamp 5
- Xing DVD Player
- Yahoo! LAUNCHcast
- YeahPlayer
- Zinf
- ZoomPlayer
To view the supported functionality for each application, please see our Online Help or the help file that is included with our driver. To access the help file included with our driver, right-click on the Streamzap systray icon, and choose “Help” from the menu.