Sit Back and Enjoy Your PC Multimedia!

With a Streamzap PC Remote, you can play MP3s, watch DVDs and TV, or listen to Internet radio—all without leaving the comfort of your couch.
Our PC Remote supports over 150 applications, including all of the popular multimedia applications, such as Windows Media Player, iTunes, RealPlayer, Winamp, PowerPoint, MusicMatch Jukebox, WinTV, WinDVD, and PowerDVD to name a few. Support for new applications is added on a regular basis, so if your favorite player isn't supported, please let us know.
Remote Control Your MP3s & Radio
You have tons of MP3s. Everyone does. But if you don't have a Streamzap PC Remote, you can only enjoy them while sitting at your desk.
That means you can't listen to your music when you want to hear it most—when you're relaxing away from your PC.
Turn Your PC into the Ultimate Stereo
With MP3s, your PC is your stereo, but what good is a stereo without a remote? You need to be able to skip songs, adjust the volume, and load albums from anywhere in the room. The Streamzap PC Remote is what turns your PC into the ultimate stereo.
Play, Pause, Skip Songs...
No matter which program(s) you use to play MP3s, you can use the Streamzap PC Remote to play, stop, pause, skip songs, adjust volume, mute, and more. That's because the Streamzap PC Remote supports all of the best MP3 players.
No more scrambling for the mouse and keyboard just to switch songs or change the volume. And that's just one of the many features of the Streamzap PC Remote.
Load Albums and Playlists
You don't even have to get up to load a new album or playlist. The Streamzap PC Remote has “Favorites” that you can configure to load a list of songs. And with some MP3 players, you can even use the Up/Down buttons on the remote to browse your playlist on-screen.
Listen to Internet Radio
Internet radio gives you thousands of stations, no commercials, and no annoying DJs. It gets even better with the Streamzap PC Remote.
Press the mute button on the remote to answer the phone, or use it to crank up the volume when your favorite song comes on. Since the remote controls your PC's master volume, you can mute and adjust the volume no matter which radio player you use.
The Streamzap PC Remote works automatically with all of the best radio players, so you can easily change stations or skip over songs you don't like. It sure beats old-school AM/FM radio.
And More!
You can listen to MP3s or Internet radio as you go to sleep, then click the power button on the remote to turn your PC off from your bed. The Streamzap PC Remote is perfect for MP3s, but you can also for watching DVDs and TV. You can also use it to control your PowerPoint presentations.
Enjoy DVDs & TV
With a Streamzap PC Remote, your PC can be your complete home entertainment center. You can watch DVDs or TV on your PC screen just like a home theater system, or pipe the video out to a big-screen TV or projector. Using your PC as a home entertainment center is a great way to save space and money.
DVD Movies
Watch DVDs with applications like PowerDVD or WinDVD, and use your Streamzap PC Remote to pause, fast-forward, rewind, adjust the volume, or even navigate the DVD's menu system. It works just like the remote from a set-top DVD player—so sit back, relax, and enjoy the movie.
Watch TV on Your PC
If you have a TV input card, you can watch TV on your PC. With software like SnapStream or ShowShifter, you can change channels, pause live TV, or even record your favorite shows, and, you can do with all with the Streamzap PC Remote.
Stream Movies On-Demand
CinemaNow, our partner
for streaming movies, is the leading destination for Internet
Through its growing list of content partners, the CinemaNow web site has become the premier destination for the authorized downloading and streaming of feature films on the Internet.
With over 1,000 movies available on-demand, CinemaNow allows users to watch movies whenever they want with the click of a button.